“Miracles are nothing but the working of Super Laws. They can be performed by anyone who understands the Higher Laws.”

L. Mahasaya, 7th Level Monk


The Advanced Monks/Saints/Yogis say, “There are 7 Grade Levels of Human Development and they are acknowledged and defined in the Bible, Yoga Sutras, other Holy books, and all religions and faiths, i.e., the 7 Levels are Universal for everyone.

The 7 Human Grade Levels also explain the huge diversity we have in this world today.

Because we are all learning lessons at different Grade Levels. Jesus understood this and that’s the higher meaning behind his words, “Father forgive them because they don’t understand what they are doing.”

Below is a small list of the 7th Level Masters who have completed God’s School of Higher Learning here on Earth and have graduated to Heaven (Revelation 3:12, 21, 4:1, Matthew 5:48, John 14:12, Genesis 1:27, etc.).

Everyone goes to Heaven because we are ALL made in the Image of God – One Creator, One Blood. This “Image” is your Soul which is an Individualized part of God (Genesis 1:27).

But your path to Heaven and the Purpose of Life is only finished AFTER you have “overcome” and complete God’s 7 Grade Levels. That’s when “the door to Heaven is finally open to you.” -Revelation 4:1.

For those who “temporarily” fail to complete God’s training, they are given a second, third, and even thousands of lives to reclaim their lost Perfection (Matthew 5:48, John 14:12).

Which is interesting because 24% of American Christians “believe” in Reincarnation (*Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life).

In this next part, we will look at:

  • How To Prove You Are A 7th Level Master
  • The 7th Level of Spiritual Meditation
  • List of Past 7th Level Masters


The test is simple to prove you have attained the 7th Grade Levels of Human Development. You have to be able to ENTER, AT WILL, the Breathless State of God Meditation (Samadhi).

Below are a few examples for you….


In the Bible, the “Breathless” state of God Meditation is first attained at the 5th Level of Spiritual development. This higher level is acknowledged as the 5th Sardis Dead Church of Revelation in the Bible. The 7th Level Masters say, “Dead” in this context is a good thing because it reflects your ability to appear “dead-like” when you enter the deep states of Spiritual Meditation and communion with God.

St. Paul – “I protest by our rejoicing which I have in Christ (during deep Spiritual Meditation), I DIE DAILY” – 1 Corinthians 15:31. In the higher states of Spiritual Meditation, you make that Higher CONNECTION with your Soul, the Son of God (the Christ), and God.

This same Higher Level was experienced by St. John.

St. John – “When I saw him (the Son of God/Christ during deep Spiritual Meditation), I fell at his feet as though DEAD.” Revelation 1:17. Again, the body appears to be “dead-like” in the higher deep state of Spiritual Meditation. That’s because when you graduate to the higher Human Grade Levels, you learn how to consciously direct all of your energy INWARD to towards God.

Yogananda – “My body became immovably rooted. The BREATH was drawn out of my lungs as if by some huge magnet. Soul and mind instantly lost their physical bondage, and streamed out like a fluid piercing light from my every pore. The flesh was as though “dead” (Breathless state of God Meditation), yet in my intense awareness I knew that never before had I been fully alive. My sense of identity was no longer narrowly confined to a body, but embraced the circumambient atoms. The roots of plants and trees appeared through a dim transparency of the soil; I discerned the inward flow of their sap.” “My Guru (Sri Yukteswar) taught me how to enter the BREATHLESS STATE, at will. He also taught me how to transmit the Breathless State to others, if their ‘Intuitive Channels’ were properly developed.” For months I entered the state of Breathlessness, comprehending why the Upanishads say God is the most relishable (rasa).” -Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda (7th Level Master)

Swami Yukteswar – “He was NOT breathing. This was my first observation of him in the yogic trance (Breathless Meditation / Sardis Dead Church / Samadhi). It filled me with fright. His Heart must have failed! I placed a mirror under his nose and NO breath-vapor appeared. To make doubly certain, for minutes I closed his mouth and nostrils with my fingers. His body was COLD and motionless (DEAD-LIKE). In a daze, I turned toward the door to summon help.” “So! A budding experimentalist! My poor nose!” Master’s (Yukteswar’s) voice was shaky with laughter! -Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda (7th Level Master)


Jesus said, “You will do better things than me” John 14:12 and that “You need to be Perfect just like God” Matthew 5:48. And these higher achievements and Levels he was referring to happens here on Earth, before you go to Heaven.

Look, nobody completes God’s 7 Grade Levels in one life but you will eventually get there. We ALL eventually get there!

Because of the 7 Human Grade Levels, what’s IMPORTANT is to pick a path that works for YOU! Here are some 7th Level teachers to consider:

  • Jesus (Christianity) – immaculate conception
  • Buddha (Buddhism) – immaculate conception
  • Krishna (Hinduism) – immaculate conception
  • Moses (Judaism)
  • Mohammed (Muslim)
  • St. Paul
  • Patanjali
  • St. John
  • Yogananda (Christian Yogi – see definition below)
  • Elijah
  • Arjuna
  • Elisha
  • Lahiri Mahasaya
  • John the Baptist
  • Manu
  • Swami Sri Yukteswar (see Swami definition below)
  • Kabir
  • Vivasvat
  • Mahavatar Babaji
  • Ikshwaku
  • Arjuna


Below are a few key terms with their correct meaning. Unfortunately, the true meaning of these words have been butchered throughout history because of a lack of Spiritual development (Lower Human Grade Levels) by those claiming to “understand” them.


A Swami belongs to the Monastic Order of India. Similar to the Catholic Christian Monastic Orders, the Swami takes formal vows of Celibacy and Renunciation of worldly ties and ambitions.

Because the goal of the Swami is to reach the 7th and Highest Human Grade Level, it is not uncommon for a 5th – 7th Level Yogi (advanced Spiritual scientist) to also be a Swami.

For example, Yogananda was a Yogi (advanced Spiritual scientist) because he used the 4D and 5D techniques that rapidly accelerate Spiritual development and Evolution. As a Swami (Monastic Order of India) and 7th Level Monk, he used that higher state of consciousness and awareness to teach others how to fast track their own Spiritual growth.

SWAMI = Monastic Order of India


The word “Yoga” actually means “union with God.

The ancient 7th Level Saints and Masters developed the Yoga system and a process to accelerate Spiritual development – the 7 Human Grade Levels.

The Yoga exercises made popular in the United States were developed by the advanced Masters to strengthen their bodies. This way they could practice Spiritual Meditation and commune with God for hours and days at a time.

YOGA SYSTEM = Union with God


A Yogi is basically an advanced Spiritual scientist that uses a proven scientific system of advanced 4D and 5D techniques (R5 Formula) to achieve the higher levels of human and Spiritual development (4th – 7th Levels).

The “laboratory” of the Yogi (advanced Spiritual scientist) is their Mind and Body and they are continuously testing their experiments in order to OPTIMIZE their performance and evolution, i.e., “overcoming” – Revelation 3:12, 21, 4:1, Matthew 5:48, John 14:12, Genesis 1:27, etc.).

A Yogi can be male or female. They can be married, single, or celibate.

A Yogi can belong to ANY religion or faith or none at all.

YOGI = Advanced Spiritual scientist that uses advanced 4D & 5D techniques (R5 Formula) that accelerate human performance, evolution, and Spiritual development (7 Levels).

Two famous Yogis are Mahatma Gandhi and Yogananda. They are pictured below at the home of Gandhi (1935).

During this meeting, Gandhi asked Yogananda to teach him one of the advanced biohacking techniques used by the 7th Level Saints (highest level of human development – Revelation 4:1).

Gandhi asking Yogananda for training.


The first and original form of “Meditation” was discovered and developed by the 7th Level Saints/Masters/Yogis of India over 5,000 years ago. Today, most people know it as “Spiritual Meditation or Meditation on God.”

The Masters say, “Meditation is superior to prayer because it’s a Spiritual experience that directly connects you (and your soul) with God.” IMPORTANT: This is WHY all 7th Level Masters practice it!

Meditation = solely focusing your attention on knowing God.

To learn more, please read my Ultimate Guide To Meditation where I explain the 3 Levels of Meditation and a ton of the benefits.


Do you “believe” that when you die and go to Heaven, that your “imperfections” would be removed? I did until I met the 7th Level Monks in 1991…. That’s when they taught me about the 7 Human Grade Levels and the path to perfection.

The 7th Levels Monks say,

“Don’t depend on death to liberate you from your imperfections (the Lower Grade Levels of Human Development).”

“You are EXACTLY the same after death as you were before. Nothing changes. You only give up the body. If you are a thief or a liar or a cheater before death, you don’t become an Angel merely by dying.”

“If such were possible, then let us all go and jump in the ocean now and become Angels at once!”

“Whatever you have made of yourself thus far (current Human Grade Level), so will you be hereafter. And when you reincarnate (Revelation 3:12), you will bring that same nature (your current Human Grade Level) with you.”

“To change, you have to make the effort (“overcoming”). This world is the place to do it.”

VERY IMPORTANT: This effort and “overcoming” is what is taught by Jesus and the 7 Grade Levels of Revelation (Revelation 3:12, 21, 4:1, Matthew 5:48, John 14:12, etc.).


If you would like to learn how to easily transform your business and your career today, I created the R5 Accelerator Program for you, see below…


The R5 Accelerator Program features the exclusive self improvement training from the 7th Level Monks for maximizing performance (Flow State), Brain Development and Evolution (Gamma Fusion), and Spiritual Development (7 Grade Levels of Spiritual Development)....

This is a comprehensive self improvement system, an advanced Wealth Mastery Program, based on the R5 Mindset and R5 Formula.

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How To Turn Good Genes On (Dr. John Denninger)

And so much more...

If you have any questions, we are more than happy to help you.

Email us at support@r5formula.com.


Best regards,

Todd Denen

Founder, R5 Formula

4th Degree Yogi Monk & Meditation Expert

30+ years experience


“There is now ONLY ONE possibility to Succeed as Americans in the 21st Century and to be Competitive and that is to INNOVATE and to Innovate Continuously (Meditation!).” –Dr. George Land

“The Most Effective Model I’ve ever seen to Rapidly Accelerate Business or Career Growth, Regardless of Past Results, Experience, or Education.”

-Todd Denen

Creator, R5 Formula